Author: Paul Friedman

Our Chalice [#77]

A first step taken when beginning the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship weekly service is lighting a small flame at the center of a chalice placed in the center of a table that sits at the center of the altar.

Why is that flaming chalice an essential Unitarian Universalist … read more.

To Become a Beloved Community [#76]

The Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship aspires to be a ”beloved community” — a term often used by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  And they wish the same for our town, county, state, and nation.

In a beloved community everyone is respected and cared for, absent of … read more.

UU Origins [#75]

Unitarian Universalism is a marriage of two religious traditions, both emerging during the Protestant Reformation. Unitarianism was founded in the 16th century by people who questioned the notion of the Trinity, viewing it as neither Biblical nor theologically … read more.

A Few Things About UU [#74]

Although there’s lots of diversity among Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship members, there are also many things they agree on and hold sacred.  Here are a few of them:

Big Love – They affirm that every person is worthy and deserving of love.
Hell Outta Here – They don’t believe in hell, … read more.

What Is Sacred to UU [#73]

Unitarian Universalists view as sacred what they deem worthy of their highest respect and reverence. They avoid distinctions between what is sacred and secular.  They may speak of the sacred as manifest in people, or nature, or even all of creation. Or, they may speak … read more.

Our Ethical Values [#72]

The Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship supports ethical values that honor the worth and humanity of all people.  Members tend to take compassionate positions on gun control, immigration, and care for the hungry and homeless.  

… read more.

UUs and Science [#71]

Sometimes, Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship members discuss whether science and spirituality complement or contradict each other. They explore where hope, love, and human values fit into a universe of quarks and quasars. In a world seemingly governed by relentless physical laws, how does science co-exist … read more.

SUUF and Beliefs [#70]

Members of the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship affirm everyone’s “free and responsible search for meaning.”  In other words, they don’t expect each other to proclaim a common creed.  They are not required to accept any theological position as true unless it resonates for them within … read more.

SUUF as a Potluck Community [#69]

A pot-luck meal can surpass one with a predetermined menu because a group of creative people often bring a delicious variety of contributions.

What do people bring to the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s pot-luck?

Some bring their attitude of gratitude–they want to express their thankfulness for the good … read more.

SUUF and Aging [#68]

We’re all growing older. For some, aging evokes fear—often about declining mental and physical abilities and diminished self-worth. However, the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all people, at all ages, and views the last years of our lives as every bit as important as … read more.