Our teams bring people together to lovingly and creatively do the work of the Fellowship.  Through these teams, as well as in our discussion groups, committees and classes, we work towards our mission to nurture inclusive community, inspire spiritual and personal growth, and to be a beacon for social justice.  SUUF Teams are board-approved.  (See policies for more information on Committees, Teams, and Groups.)

You are encouraged to join a team in which you would enjoy expressing your love and your talents as you serve your beloved community.



Social Justice Team

The team mission is to seek Social Justice, equity, and compassion through dialogue, practice, and action.  Social Justice Team members meet monthly on Zoom for planning sessions.

SUUF has always been a socially active congregation, learning about injustice, taking action, contributing as individuals and as a group, on issues such as gun control, Planned Parenthood, voting, and abortion rights.  SUUF marched for those causes and initiated a postcard campaign around gun control.  In addition to the focus on actions to promote justice in the Verde Valley and beyond, the team sponsors a film group:

  • The Social Justice Film discussion group participants watch a designated documentary at home dealing with issues raised in the film about a marginalized group. Past films have examined issues of homelessness, racial and gender inequities, body image, differently abled, aging, and immigration. Film discussions are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September through June at 10:30 at Church of the Red Rocks to discuss a Netflix or YouTube film.  Films are announced in SUUF’s newsletter and weekly emails, as well as on the website calendar.
  • The Environment Justice group submits articles to the newsletter and has a monthly insert in the Sunday Order of Service.
  • The Welcoming group assures that SUUF maintains its status as a Welcoming Congregation. It plans services and activities advancing knowledge of LGBTQ issues, and helps SUUF to always be a welcoming community to all.


Care Team

The team mission is to bring the compassion of the Fellowship through the acknowledgement of life’s challenges and transitions. We support spirituality through our practice of active listening.  Confidentiality is honored and maintained.

The Care Team sends cards, makes phone calls, and contacts Rev. Anthony when someone is ill or in need of further care. The team supports and represents Rev. Anthony in providing pastoral care to our community. It meets monthly in member homes.

Worship Associates Team

Their mission is to ensure that quality worship services are offered on Sundays when the minister is not in the pulpit.

Team members facilitate many parts of the service when we host guest speakers or when we enjoy a “SUUF and Me” service in which we learn about the lives of two to three fellow congregants. The team meets on Zoom the first Saturday of the month from 11-12.

Finance Team

The mission is to have the funds to meet budgeted expenditures to achieve the goals set by the congregation.

SUUF is self-supporting, so yearly pledges by members and friends are our main way to fund the fellowship.  Our holiday party and auction fundraising parties contribute as well. The team typically meets monthly on a Saturday at the home of our treasurer.

Covid Team

The team’s mission is to review the prevalence of Covid in our area and to provide recommendations to the congregation based on current data.

We followed their guidance as we gathered again after the pandemic, and still count on their research to help keep us informed and safe. The team meets as needed on Zoom.

Greeting and Membership Team

The team mission is to provide a path from SUUF entry to SUUF ownership.  We warmly welcome all who enter and help visitors find ease and inclusion in our community.

This team is responsible for the New Members Brunches during which prospective members participate in an orientation session, get acquainted with one another and share food.  Providing greeters, preparing the lobby for welcoming, and sending follow up emails to newcomers are team tasks as well. The team meets on Zoom the first Monday of the month at 10:30 from August through June.

Marketing Team

The Marketing team encourages like-minded Verde Valley residents to understand what SUUF is, what it offers, and to participate in its services and activities.

Our most effective marketing tools are Sunday services, our welcoming, vibrant community, discussion groups, ads and articles in the Red Rock News, and our website. Given our growing congregation, clearly word about our progressive liberal religion is spreading across the Verde Valley. The team meets on an as-needed basis.

Hospitality Team

The team mission is to facilitate fellowship within the SUUF congregation by providing refreshments after Sunday services.

Security Team

Its mission is to educate and involve the congregation in implementing procedures that cover various possible safety issues.  A security plan was created for our congregation by the team in 2024.

Soul Matters Team

The team mission is to foster circles of trust and deep listening in our community.

The first three Soul Matters Circles began in February, 2024 after facilitators took the UUA training,  More online training will be offered August and September of ’24 for those interested in becoming facilitators of Soul Matters Circles.  Each circle has 8 or fewer members.

Audio Visual Team

Its mission is to provide quality sound and visuals to enhance Sunday Services.