Governance Overview

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship has a democratic model of leadership. A Board of Trustees is elected by the congregation at our annual Congregational Meeting in May. The Board has primary responsibility for planning, leadership, and broad oversight of the Fellowship. The minister provides spiritual guidance, counseling, and education. The duties of the Board and minister are outlined in SUUF’s bylaws.

Our Bylaws

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Bylaws – the current version was approved by our Members at the Annual Congregational Meeting held on May 22, 2022.

Annual Congregational Meeting

The annual congregational meeting brings members together in May to vote on the next church year’s operating budget and to elect Board of Trustee representatives and the committee members as specified by our bylaws. Board, minister, committee and team leaders report on the happenings of the past year. Members of record may vote in elections and on any issues brought before the meeting.Terms take effect on July 1 of each year with officers serving a 2-year term, and board trustees-at-large serving a 1-year term.


Board of Trustees

Tanya Mayer



Tanya was elected to a two-year term in July, 2023, after serving a year as SUUF’s interim president. Raised in Kansas, she served other spiritual communities as a board member and as a volunteer coordinator.  One of Tanya’s greatest joys is encouraging  people to use their talents and skills in contributing to SUUF’s spiritual community.  She is excited about SUUF’s vibrancy, its growth both in spiritual depth and in numbers, and the feeling of love and connectedness within our congregation.

Gary Stewart



Gary was appointed to the SUUF Board in September, 2021, and he was elected in May, 2023 to a two-year term. Given his accounting background, Gary is well suited to the treasurer position. Gary also helps Susannah manage the sound during SUUF services, which he finds harder than accounting!

Donna Fox



Donna Fox spent over 20 years working and volunteering in the areas of mental health, suicide prevention and postvention. She volunteered for seven years at Crisis Connection, Minnesota’s suicide hotline. There she served as a crisis counselor, public speaker, and member of the Board of Directors. She was the Director of Training and Development for the Minnesota CIT Officer’s Association (Crisis Intervention Team training for law enforcement,) and she ended her career after six years as the Program Director at NAMI Minnesota (The National Alliance on Mental Illness.) While at NAMI she over saw more than 60 support groups, conducted teacher and facilitator trainings, wrote curriculum, and offered seven nationally recognized best practice workshops, classes and presentations in suicide prevention and postvention. Donna and her husband retired to Sedona in January, 2017.

Ben Shor



After college, Ben worked in his family’s business for 15 years, then earned an MS in Social Work from Columbia University. He worked with seriously emotionally disturbed foster children, low-income seniors, and homeless adults for the next 10 years. For the past 20+ years, Ben has worked as a consultant, teaching QuickBooks and Quicken, and doing bookkeeping.

Ben’s volunteer work includes being a Big Brother, a suicide-hotline volunteer, a hike leader, Membership Chair and Treasurer of various business organizations, Treasurer and Chairman of his town’s Democratic Party, Vice Chair of his town’s Historic Preservation Commission, member of his town’s Planning and Zoning Committee and Board of Assessment Review, and Treasurer of Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR). Ben currently volunteers with Friends of the Forest, and serves on the Sedona Community Center Board of Directors.

Ben moved to Sedona with his wife Cora in August 2015. He and Cora began attending SUUF in September 2015, and have been members since October 2015. Ben was the Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, and currently is a member of the Finance Committee and Chair of the Minister Support Committee. He is looking forward to sharing his leadership, organizational, and financial skills as a member of the SUUF Board of Trustees.

Barb Malat



Barb was elected to the board for a second one year term in 2024 and will be involved with different SUUF community activities.  She moved  to Sedona from Minnesota in 2014, has  been married for 53 years and has 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren.

She worked as a nurse for 10 years, then for 24 years as a Nurse Practitioner/Physician Associate. I did primary care for 17 years and part of that was working in a migrant health clinic. I spent my last 7 years of work doing Urgent Care and ER.

Barb got started in public speaking by doing childbirth classes, and then moving on to work with several national organizations and medical education groups, traveling to many national and international venues. Her interests include mental health care, women’s health and adolescent medicine, and her hobbies are hiking, cooking, travel and our cherished dog.

She says she happily found what I needed in the accepting, warm and friendly Unitarian Universalist community in April 2022.

Mary McCaffrey



Mary was born and raised in southern Minnesota and got her bachelor’s degree at the University of California, Irvine. She has worn many hats in the fifty plus years since, including:

  • Community Services Officer for a police department ensuring shotguns did not blow up in officer’s faces
  • Office Assistant from which she was fired for supporting a coworker’s desire for a divorce
  • Prison counselor with one fine inmate who got her address from a guard and wrote her a threatening letter at home (he got transferred to a max facility)
  • Parole agent with colorful characters – one killed his grandma because she wouldn’t give him cash, one killed a police officer in a 7/11 for being in the way of his robbing the joint, and a girl who killed both her parents and never shared why
  • Stay-at-home mom with all the joy that entails
  • Personal Trainer working mainly with post rehab clients
  • Pilates Mat instructor

In Sedona, she volunteered with seniors before becoming one, is active with the Sedona Westerners Hiking Group including a term as president, and member of the Cottonwood Community Band, taking up the clarinet again after a 45 year absence.

Piya Jacob


Piya Jacob was born in India and grew up in New Delhi. Her father was a journalist and her mother was a principal of a girls’ high school. Piya was the principal of a small private elementary school housed in the Unitarian church in Paradise Valley, Phoenix for about forty years. She and her husband, Brad Kincaid, moved permanently to Sedona about eleven years ago. She is an active volunteer at the Sedona Community Center and serves on their board. Now that she has retired she enjoys traveling around the world. Her next trips are to Iceland and later in the summer, to England.

Board Covenant 

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Covenant of the Board of Trustees as adopted on Sept 21, 2023

Framing Statement: This covenant will guide the SUUF Board of Trustees’ interactions with each other. We practice decision-making rooted in love.

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We work as a team, so we will care for each other, recognizing our interdependence.  We will take time to welcome and check in with each other, and say goodbye upon leaving our meetings.

We will keep the best interests of the congregation at heart, and we will be prompt and prepared for board meetings. We will “make space, and take space,” both speak up and share airtime.

We will stay even-tempered, courteous, and thoughtful in our discussions to keep them safe and respectful.  We will affirm our common values and beliefs, rather than focus primarily on our differences.

When disagreements occur, we will assume each other’s good intentions and try to understand data and reasoning used by others. We will encourage people who disagree to communicate directly with each other and to seek a third party together, if needed.

We will acknowledge mistakes and ineffective policies when they occur and seek to learn from them, rather than denying or justifying them.

We are willing to be told if we appear to be violating one of these agreements, or if we don’t do what we agreed to do.  We will hold in confidence what people say at our meetings.


Two governance committees are established in our bylaws with 3 members each serving staggered 3 year terms:

Leadership Development Committee

The LDC ensures consistent and continuous leadership by selecting nominees for positions to be filled and by providing leadership training to SUUF members. They also deliver leadership development programs. Meeting are held on an as-needed basis.

Minister Support Committee

This committee reviews, evaluates, and offers support to a new minister for three years through direct, clear and constructive communication in an effort to create a successful and nurturing ministry based on trust and mutual support.  The MSC meets quarterly.