Speaker: Janine Gelsinger (UUJAZ)

Love is a Verb

Talking about social justice is not the same as taking action for social justice. Saying we “Side With Love” isn’t enough – it doesn’t make a difference in anyone’s else’s life when we don a yellow tee-shirt. So how do we discern what truly moves us forward towards change, and what obstructs change? Let us … Continue reading Love is a Verb

A Living Tradition: Our Unitarian Universalist Principles

This SUUF Worship Service will ask and answer the question: what is a “living tradition”? Article II of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws, Principles and Purposes holds the covenant to which all of our congregations and covenanted communities pledge ourselves when we become members of our UUA. It is time for us to do … Continue reading A Living Tradition: Our Unitarian Universalist Principles

Not Everyone Has to Chain Themselves To A Pipeline: Discerning Our Role In Revolution

This week we return to an in-person service featuring guest speaker Janine Gelsinger, Executive Director of UUJAZ. What is our relationship like with risk? Are there things we are willing to risk more for? What does our fear of risk, real or imagined, keep us from? Let’s ask ourselves these and more questions to determine … Continue reading Not Everyone Has to Chain Themselves To A Pipeline: Discerning Our Role In Revolution