Radiating Gratitude

This SUUF Worship Service reflected this Minister’s thoughts and feelings about the past year serving as Minister of the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. What a sense of great fulness I feel as we wrap up our final sermon of the season. We are more than grateful to those who have chosen Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as their spiritual home. For that we are Radiating Gratitude in all directions.

This in-person service was held in the sanctuary at the JCSVV, 100 Meadowlark Drive. After this last Sunday service (until Sept 3) we enjoyed one more Coffee Hour in the Social Hall. Many thanks to all who brought treats to share with many of the 82 folks who attended this week.

Here’s another treat for you!

It was presented on Sunday by Rev. Anthony, with many thanks

to Tanya Mayer, Paul Friedman, and Susannah Martin,

who helped to put it all together.  Enjoy!

SUUF 2022-2023 Slideshow – YouTube


But wait, there’s more!

Thanks to Lee Klose for taking this video

and to Dieter for posting it on YouTube.

(click on the link above)

 Have a great summer!



