Dolly, Indivisible: Reaching Across the Cultural Divide in America

She’s an icon. A queen of country music, an author, entrepreneur, a voice for working class women, and a philanthropist. She’s Dolly Parton, seemingly beloved by folks of all stripes in our increasingly factionalized country. How does she do it and what can we learn from her “Dolitics,” about reaching across the cultural and ideological divide that is ever widening in America?

We are pleased to welcome our guest speaker, Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker from Beacon UU in Flagstaff, as part of this weekend’s “Pulpit Exchange.” Most will recall Rev. Robin’s regular participation in our video services from September 2020 through August 2021. Those specific services continue to be available for viewing on our YouTube channel, and may be easily accessed from the postings under “Past Worship Services” (archived under pages 5-8) from the Worship tab on our website. We look forward to being with her in-person this time.




For this week only, our in-person service will take place at THE HUB located on Posse Ground Road in West Sedona (our 2019-20 meeting place before returning to the JCSVV sanctuary in Fall 2021). Please plan to join us for Coffee Hour immediately after the service – and feel free to bring snacks to share, if you wish.


Please read the latest recommendations from our Covid Safety team from their meeting in December, as posted on our website. It contains details about the current status for our local area, including the increased risk of exposure to our most susceptible members at planned events. Individuals should make their own decisions with the guidance of their medical professionals. Thank you to everyone for being aware of the ongoing risks and for doing everything possible to protect yourself and others.
