We’ll take a break from in-person services this week by presenting a virtual service, revisiting the sermon provided a year ago by Reverend Robin Zucker. This will be a week earlier than the celebrations which fall at the end of October. We will again present an ancestors’ “virtual altar” to honor Día de los Muertos, Samhain and All Souls’ Day, and encourage our members and friends to submit a photo, memento/dedication or artifact honoring an ancestor or in memory of departed loved ones. The deadline for submitting items was Friday Oct 15.
Here’s the link for the recorded YouTube service, and also the Order of Service to allow you to follow along: 2021-10-24 OoS Sermon for All Souls – ZUCKER
We’ll also return to our “virtual coffee hour” on Zoom at 11 am that day, and especially look forward to connecting with members and friends whom we haven’t seen in a while. That link is also provided here for your convenience.
We will return to in-person services at JCSVV next Sunday.
For everyone’s protection during the ongoing pandemic, we continue to adhere to several safety protocols against transmission of the Covid-19 virus, including the wearing of masks and social distancing. Please visit the “Home” page on this website for complete details prior to attending our in-person services (displayed under “Recent News”).