October 2021

As we continue our emergence from and recognize our present emergence within the Covid-19 pandemic, let us root our decisions in the values of consent and inclusion as our UUA asks of us. Honoring the arrival of our Fall Season, I offer the following self-reflecting poem as an invitation to all to submit your original poems and/or poems you love to me at minister@sedonauu.org. We will feature as many as we can during our November 14th Sermon entitled “Poetry As A Spiritual Practice.”

A Sinner in Winter
I am a sinner in winter
A ‘wanna be angel in Fall,
Falling free form
Shaped like a snowflake
Floating like a dream.
Dreaming of a place with no race
Heart open, eyes with no face.
Facing a wall of red stone,
Climbing on top of Ancestor Bone.

Boning up on babble,
Masquerading as Truth,
Full of Contempt.
I am a sinner in winter,
you too,
Nobody’s exempt!
Falling free form,
Shaped like a snowflake
Floating like a dream.
Dreaming of a place with no race
Heart open, eyes with no face.
Facing a wall of red stone,
Climbing on top of Ancestor bone.
Boning up on babble,
Masquerading as truth,
Full of Contempt.
I am a sinner in winter,
you too,
Nobody’s exempt!
Ahh’, but spring will arrive
When winter crumbles.
Leaving traces of what will come,
Beliefs we thought were so real
Turn out to be bubble gum.
In a wrapper,
Dressed oh so dapper,
Mimicking the original call.
Me, I’m just a sinner in Winter,
A ‘wanna be angel in Fall.
                     – Rev. Anthony