Author: Paul Friedman

On Sex [#91]

Valentines Day might be an appropriate occasion for addressing Unitarian Universalism’s view of sex. According to UU Rev. Lena Breen, “Human sexuality is simply too important, too beautiful, and too potentially dangerous to be ignored in a religious community.” UU views sex as a good and healthy part of the lifelong human experience from womb … Continue reading On Sex [#91]

Five Smooth Stones [#89]

We live in scary times. Daily, we see gut-wrenching media reports about aggressive acts–abroad and within America–that make us wonder “what is the world is coming to”?

On Sacred Texts [#88]

Unitarian Universalists do not have one foundational sacred text, like the Bible or the Koran. Instead, they commit to being life-long seekers of wisdom.

A Vote on Core Values [#84]

Rather than a scripture or dogma, Unitarians are united by affirming a common set of values. At their 2024 convention, they will vote on accepting this newly clarified values statement.

About Jesus [#83]

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship congregants’ views of Jesus reflect the diversity of thought encouraged by their liberal faith, which honors everyone’s “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

The Meaning of Gifts [#82]

At the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, rather than viewing gifts as coming mostly from stores and websites, we see the loveliest gifts as emerging from within each other.