Starting this weekend we take a two-week break from our In-person services. This Sunday we invite you to revisit our virtual service from a year ago, featuring a sermon by our then-guest minister Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson,
Find out how the 7 principles of Kwanzaa relate so well with our UU principles.
Reverend Anthony introduces us to the history, meaning, symbols, practices and principles of Kwanzaa – a family and community holiday for everyone. Music includes features from Mwamba Children’s Choir of Uganda, Stellenbosch University Choir of South Africa, Kwanzaa Gospel Choir, Lovely Hoffman, Ama Chandra and Fanoko Singers. Our readings are from the writings of Alice Walker and James Baldwin.
You may view this service here at any time, though we encourage you to watch it on Sunday at 10 am, and then join us for a virtual coffee hour on Zoom at 11 am using this link.
There isn’t a specific service planned for next Sunday, January 2, 2022. You may wish to view another past service, and then join us again for our virtual social hour. Details and suggestions will be provided in the posting for that day.
You may visit our YouTube channel to view any of our past services.