We come together in spiritual community because we enjoy, and are uplifted by, the relationships in our vibrant community, and because we need the reminders our services provide of what matters most in our lives. Here, we are called to our better selves, to learn to live with more wisdom, greater connection, deeper compassion, and to seek greater justice in our community and our world.

Our Sunday Services weave together our principles, thoughts, and experiences with music, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge us. We’re inspired and awakened to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.

Attending in-person Services

Services are held at 10 am at the JCSVV synagogue,100 Meadowlark Drive, in Sedona.  Check the website calendar for service titles and descriptions.

Children Attending Services
Children of all ages are welcome to join their families at SUUF. Their joyful noise and energy remind our church of our past and future. As always, Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is here to support you and your family. Please contact our minister or a board member with any questions or concerns.

Other Practical Information

Every Day is Mother’s Day

This SUUF Worship Service will recognize and honor those mothers who have taught us how to be human. Those mothers who grew a human in their body. Those mothers who have been, and are presently, a mother to any sentient being. Motherliness is much more … read more.

The 8th Principle

Please note that today’s SUUF Service will be held at the Sedona United Methodist Church, located at 110 Indian Cliffs Road (near the Back O’ Beyond roundabout), and followed by our Annual Meeting.

The 8th Principle Project is a grassroots movement started in 2013, aimed at … read more.

SUUF and Me

This SUUF Worship Service affords us the opportunity to hear real-life stories of the spiritual journeys of our members and why they have chosen Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as their spiritual home.

Reading: “Freefall” by Mark Nepo
