During February we celebrate Black History Month. Yet the hard work of acknowledging the past, reflecting on the present moment and walking together into the future is our on-going challenge.
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Dr. Donna Cavedon as our guest speaker, as we look at the hard and honest work that needs to continue in the midst of upholding and celebrating Black history.
Reading: “An Affirmation”, adapted from Howard Thurman
We affirm our faith in the little graces of life;
The urgency of growth, the strength of laughter, the vitality of friendship.
We affirm our confidence in the dignity of all persons;
Their fortitude in despair, their strength in weakness, their love in hatred.
We affirm our joy in the experience of living;
The fragrance of nostalgia, the scattered moments of delight, the exhilaration of danger.
We affirm our need for each other;
The offering of faith the gifts of variety, the quality of difference.
We affirm our hunger for the Divine;
The desire for fulfillment, the ache for understanding, the sense of peace.