Barbara Litrell (SUUF Member, President – Mental Health Coalition Verde Valley) will lead this interactive event on Zoom, based on the book Held: Showing Up for Each Other’s Mental Health by Barbara Meyer – a UU guide for every member of the Congregation.
Note that this will be a live Zoom meeting, rather than our usual pre-recorded YouTube presentation. Many have participated in Zoom calls for Sunday Coffee Hour, SUUF Women’s and Men’s gatherings, and perhaps other social interactions.
If you are not familiar with Zoom, you will need to be aware of certain requirements.
You will need to have Zoom installed on your computer or other device, such as a tablet or smart phone, to access the meeting. You will need both video and audio (internal or external speaker) capability to see and hear the presentation. To get the full benefit of participating, your device should also be equipped with a microphone and camera, which may be internal or external. If you have questions about what equipment you may need, there are at least a few among us who may be able to provide some direction to get you started. Contact Pat Kopitke ( to let us know if you need help.
Here is the link to join Sunday’s meeting on Zoom at 10 am:
Our weekly Coffee Hour will follow at 11 am.