
The Board of Trustees (BoT) of (SUUF) recognizes the importance of having members and friends of the Fellowship identified at SUUF gatherings. The purpose of this policy is to define conditions for supplying nametags for members and friends and to identify the responsible administrative entity for distributing the nametags.


Wearing nametags at Sunday Services helps to identify members and regularly attending friends of the Fellowship. Occasional visitors are identified by disposable labels made at the time of the visit. More durable nametags are purchased from a local supplier for members and regular visitors. Additional badges identify BoT members and officers.

The expense of providing name badges for friends who may or may not become members is an investment by the Fellowship in maintaining a welcoming environment that may prove to be a valuable part of our membership development.

SUUF Nametags


The badges will be of the same size and design for all. Separate badges identifying Officers and Trustees will be separate from the nametag.


All members and friends who request nametags are eligible to receive a nametag at SUUF expense.


The Membership Team will issue a badge to any person signing the Membership Book or any friend requesting a badge as soon as possible after the event. A member of the Membership Team will provide the supplier with the name to be inscribed on the badge and will pick up and distribute the finished badge to the recipient. The supplier will bill SUUF for the cost of the nametag.

Maintenance and Display

Nametags will be displayed at each meeting where they are to be worn. When a member or friend leaves the Fellowship, the badge should be removed from the display.


Funds for purchase of the badges shall be included in the Annual Budget under the

Sunday Service Supplies category.


Approved by the SUUF Board of Trustees February 14, 2013

Revised October 19, 2023.