Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 

Policy for Sunday Socials


The purpose of this policy it to establish guidelines for the Sunday Social Hall time after Fellowship and the for volunteers who set up and clean up the refreshment area after Sunday services.


A tradition of SUUF and most UU congregations, is the opportunity to gather for fellowship and conversation after the Sunday service. Since the venue for this gathering must be prepared, refreshments supplied, and the area restored to its initial condition after use, volunteers are solicited to perform these duties each Sunday. Expenses for this activity are borne by the Fellowship as a Sunday service expense.

The meeting time of 10 AM causes this gathering to occur between 11 AM and noon, just before lunch. The Fellowship must vacate our meeting venue by 12 noon. If, for a special occasion, SUUF were to plan a social time that was to last longer than noon, we must submit a request and get approval from JCSVV, then pay them an hourly fee.


In order to encourage the continuation of the gathering after Sunday services without placing undue financial burden on volunteers to supply additional refreshments, and to ensure that the clean-up can be done in a timely manner, SUUF policy will be to limit refreshments to coffee and tea with associated condiments. Exceptions will be made on an ad hoc basis when members or friends spontaneously bring food items or when a special occasion is planned. The person(s) who brought food are expected to help clean up the social area in a timely manner after the service.

Draft 2013

Updated and Approved by the SUUF Board of Trustees, November 10, 2023