What Unitarians Have in Common [#95]

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (SUUF) members have much in common. All are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers, who have traveled unique paths through life before coming together.

Although diverse in age, ethnicity, gender, and spirituality, they all want to make a difference for their world and themselves.

Their theological beliefs may vary, but they share similar values.

All unite in affirming seven core UU principles: they believe in the worthiness of every person, accepting others for who they are, growing through a personal search for truth, working for justice, and understanding that everything is interconnected.

When together, they inspire each other to live with more wisdom, compassion, and soul, to engage actively in what matters most to them in life.

SUUF offers several weekly conversation groups that explore universal themes, in which each member has something to teach as well as something to learn.

Members also participate on teams doing local justice-related work, where they put their values into practice.

SUUF’s history stretches way back, from European religious reformers to early American revolutionaries, from 19th century transcendentalists to 20th century humanists and 21st century visionaries. They join a long line of heretics and hopefuls who dared to dream of a better world.

Unitarians have quite a track record for standing “on the side of love” regarding civil rights, LGBTQ equality, immigration reform, environmental sustainability, reproductive justice, racial justice, and more.

They invite newcomers to bring their whole self, with all their truths and doubts, worries and hopes. They honor every individual’s mind, heart, and journey, and invite them to live their deepest values out loud.

March 15, 2024