Our Ethical Values [#72]

The Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship supports ethical values that honor the worth and humanity of all people.  Members tend to take compassionate positions on gun control, immigration, and care for the hungry and homeless.  


Some aspects of these issues are politically controversial.  This congregation does not advocate for any political party or candidate.  Instead, it provides mutual support for “like-hearted” people.


SUUFers affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people and everyone’s shared responsibility for the interdependent web of all existence. These values place them squarely on the side of love and life.


The congregation wants to offer an island of rest and renewal, as well as inspiration to resist oppression.  Members collaborate to reduce exploitation by combining their knowledge and energy to create the changes they wish to see in the world.


Together, they focus on constructive solutions, which may be personal, local, national, or global.  The congregation supports members to be brave, to explore ways that they can bring a bit more justice and compassion to a bruised and hurting world.


They also strive to undo norms that threaten people’s freedom to be who they are and love who they love, that impose religious persecution, sexism, racism, ableism, and other beliefs that categorize and separate people.


SUUF links with other groups seeking to free the world from oppression, fear, and hatred.  Such groups unite in their commitment to caring for one another, the community in which they live, and the global community.


SUUF worship services provide opportunities to reflect on others’ needs as well as one’s own. They understand that spirituality must be lived in the world, not just talked about on Sunday mornings.


September 22, 2023