Holiness at SUUF [#65]

Unitarian Universalists seek to be whole human beings, which includes being sensitive to the sacred. They do this simply–believing that holiness can be present in ordinary, everyday life situations.

They also recognize that people hunger for a special time and place where minds are stimulated, hearts are opened, bodies are embraced, and spirits are uplifted—at their weekly service and on other special occasions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, when asked why he attended Unitarian worship services, replied that he had within him a plant called reverence that needed watering each week.

In a world where we are avalanched daily with trivia and traumas, many of us yearn for a sacred circle in which we can enjoy a sanctuary of sabbath peace—a time for resting and renewing our spirits and relationships.

At the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship services, congregants are invited to be still and to be inspired.  They may be offered ideas to enlarge their existence, or to share recent events that stirred their soul with joy or sorrow. They also gather to enjoy music and to sing together as an uplifting form of spiritual expression.  

They enter their sanctuary with reverence and joy, comforting their heart when it is heavy-laden and awakening their spirit when it slips into lethargy. Their holy celebration sometimes inspires them to tears, to laughter, to silence, or to action.

SUUF is a community of persons committed to both justice and hope, to meditation and to marching, to prayer and to protest, to being and to doing what each episode in their life calls for.

August 4, 2023