Five Smooth Stones [#89]

We live in scary times. Daily, we see gut-wrenching media reports about aggressive acts–abroad and within America–that make us wonder “what is the world is coming to”?

To lift our spirits, Unitarian theologian James Luther Adams used a metaphor from the Biblical story of David and Goliath.

Goliath was a well-armed, giant-sized soldier who threatened the Israelite people. David was just a small, unarmed boy. All David had to protect his people was a slingshot and five smooth stones that he gathered from a nearby stream, along with his commitment and faith.

Adams advised Unitarians that they, too, have everyday access to five smooth stones to rely on even in the darkest of times–in the form of their faith’s basic principles. UUs’ five smooth stones include:

Their commitment to continually learn from varied wisdom sources, making endless discoveries and options possible, giving them HOPE.

Their commitment to having caring, freely chosen, consensual relationships, which offer the depth of life-giving LOVE.

Their commitment to creating a fair, kind, and loving community, which assures JUSTICE for all.

Their commitment to co-creating organizations that foster goodness and virtue in the world, which builds their COURAGE.

Their commitment to achieving health in themselves and their environment, which yields reasons for JOY.

With these readily available five smooth stones, fearsome obstacles can be overcome and victories can be achieved.

February 2, 2024