May 2023 (from Minister & President)

It’s been quite a year, my friends, and we have much to reflect upon, to celebrate, and to look forward to as well. Our reflections on our past year will be in the Annual Report.

This message is a glimpse into the upcoming year which looks so bright, we’re “gonna hafta to wear shades!” Together, through the generous, energetic sharing of the time, talents, and treasures of SUUFers, we’re stepping into a future which is indeed so bright!

Some upcoming activities are:
Covenant/Mission Study Group: UU is a living faith, rather than a static credo. In that light, we have formed a team to create a SUUF covenant. This team will also take a look at our mission statement.

“Soul Matters” Circles will form in the fall—intimate neighborhood groups that meet and discuss topics related to our faith. As in many UU congregations across the country, each group will meet monthly in homes to share ideas about the topic of the month…in SUUF language…Friendly Feasts for the Soul. It’s a beautiful way of deepening relationships and spiritual growth. Might you wish to host a small monthly circle in your home?

Book Group: Rev. Anthony has selected enriching books for the upcoming year that support the ministry in various ways. We’ll meet twice a month for two months to explore each book. The book for September and October is The Noticer by Andy Andrews. November and December’s book will be The Healing Wisdom of Africa by Malidoma Somé.

Holiday Party: Mark December 10 on your calendar as a tentative date for our holiday gathering at the HUB with Susannah and her band, food, and fun! The show will have holiday music and brand-new selections as well.

Mardi Gras and Auction: Feb 17 is our tentative date to revive SUUF’s annual auction tradition. Elizabeth Herrell will chair the planning of this party and auction. Past SUUF auctions were festive occasions with great food and wine, and wonderful items and activities on which to bid. Exciting items were created by SUUFers like dinners in homes, hikes, parties, cooking lessons, baskets of goodies, vacation rentals…the list of offerings from past auctions is impressive and this year’s auction is waiting for your ideas!

2nd Annual Talent Show: On a Sunday in April, SUUF Talent Show will be back by popular demand! Brush up those talents for another fun community event!

Extended Year: SUUF will resume September 3, 2023, and go through June of 2024. While some leave for the summer, many of us are year-round residents and will appreciate the friendship, warmth, and spiritual support of our Fellowship for an extended month next year.

Blessings from your Minister and President,
Rev. Anthony and Tanya