It is our Giving that Makes our Dreams of SUUF a Reality

As we donate our time, talent and treasures to Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, we help to create and support our beloved community, as well as justice in the world.

With the costs associated with maintaining our Fellowship, a member’s portion of SUUF’s budget is about $1800 a year or $150 a month for 12 months. That’s about $5.00 a day — a community cup of coffee for SUUF!  While a stretch for some, many of us will give more.  Please give in accordance with your means.

You can support the SUUF vision in several ways:

  1. Make a pledge during our annual April-May Pledge Drive.
    Every pledge plays a decisive role in our ability to fulfill our mission. Pledges help us budget for the next financial year (July 1 to June 30). Thanks for pledging generously each year. Click on Online Pledge Form.
  2. Make a contribution or gift at any time. When you donate to SUUF, you practice generosity and support the work we do. There are several options, listed below.
  3. Make a large donation (non-pledge gift of $5,000 dollars or more) to SUUF. Complete a Donor Allocation Form to sustain SUUF through a large gift.
  4. Make a Bequest to SUUF and become a Legacy Giver.  Several members have arranged for bequests to SUUF when they pass. It’s a heartfelt act of caring for your spiritual community. Information is in the Legacy Pamphlet.

Suggested Payment Methods

  • Online. You can make a secured one-time payment or set up automatic recurring payments from your bank account or credit card. Click here to pay online.
  • Bill Pay Through Your Bank. To have a check written to SUUF by your bank, use the “Automatic Bill Payment” feature offered by your bank through your online banking portal.
  • By Check or Cash. You can place a check or cash in the Sunday offering basket or mail a check to SUUF, c/o Treasurer Gary Stewart, 95 Century Rd, Sedona, AZ 86336. Be sure to note “Pledge Payment” on the “Memo” line of your check.
  • Email if you have any questions or need assistance.