Sept 2024 – A New Beginning

Dear Beloved Community,

As we gather at the threshold of a new Fellowship year, we stand in a place of possibility, poised to journey together through the seasons ahead. The turning of the year invites us to reflect, renew, and recommit to the values and principles that bind us as a Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

In our shared journey, we find strength in our diversity, in the multitude of experiences, beliefs, and hopes that each of us brings to this sacred space. We are a tapestry woven together by the threads of love, justice, compassion, and the relentless pursuit of truth. This year, let us recommit to nurturing these threads, to weaving them into a fabric that is both strong and beautiful, capable of holding us through times of joy and challenge alike.

Our tradition calls us to be both seekers and creators—seekers of truth, meaning, and justice, and creators of beloved community, where all are welcomed, valued, and loved. This is no small task, but it is a task that we undertake with open hearts and willing hands, knowing that the work of building a more just and compassionate world begins here, with us, in our words, in our deeds, and in the way we choose to live our lives together.

This year, may we find new ways to connect with one another, to deepen our relationships, and to extend the warmth of our fellowship beyond these walls. Let us be mindful of those who are new to our community, offering them not just a seat at the table, but a place in our hearts. Let us also remember those who cannot be with us in person, holding them in our thoughts and prayers, and finding creative ways to keep them connected to the life of this congregation.

As we embark on this new chapter, let us do so with a spirit of curiosity and openness, ready to be surprised by the new insights, friendships, and opportunities that will arise. Let us be brave enough to ask the hard questions, to face the uncomfortable truths, and to work together in the spirit of love to find the answers, maybe, but to always be okay with the questions.

In this new year, may we be reminded that our work is holy work. Whether we are teaching a class, serving on a committee, or simply offering a kind word to someone in need, we are participating in the creation of a world that reflects our deepest values and highest aspirations.

May this year be one of growth, transformation, and deepening faith. Together, let us walk forward into the new year with hope in our hearts, ready to build the world we dream about.

Blessings and with deep gratitude,
Rev. Anthony