A Few Things About UU [#74]

Although there’s lots of diversity among Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship members, there are also many things they agree on and hold sacred.  Here are a few of them:

  1. Big Love – They affirm that every person is worthy and deserving of love.
  2. Hell Outta Here – They don’t believe in hell, nor in any other kind of eternal afterlife punishment.
  3. World Wide Web – They feel connected to all other forms of life, and care about tending to that web of relationship and interdependence.
  4. Curiosity Nourishes the Cat – They celebrate questions and curiosity. They don’t think curiosity kills cats (or humans); it actually nourishes and expands their knowledge and imagination.
  5. Heaven on Earth – They believe and work towards creating a more equitable and just society right here, right now.
  6. Co-Exist – Theirs is a pluralist faith; they affirm all the wisdom traditions of the world and don’t believe any one is better than all the others.
  7. All Souls – You don’t need your soul saved, your soul is already awesome.
  8. Their Holy Trinity: Community, Liberation and Love – People in their community collaborate to explore what it means to be human and to center their life on love and liberation.
  9. When Life Gives You Lemons, Turn to Community – They affirm mutual care and nourishment. Because our world faces many challenges, people need one another now more than ever.  SUUF welcomes people to join with them in celebrating life and in supporting each other.

October 6, 2023