Policy on Committees, Teams and Interest Groups
Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Policy on Committees, Teams and Interest Groups
Some core SUUF functions are addressed by the Standing Committees in the SUUF ByLaws. Other Fellowship functions are necessary to meet our mission and vision, and Teams can be formed to fulfill those functions. Additionally, interests can lead to the formation of Interest Groups to address other aspects of congregational life.
This policy defines conditions under which the Board of Trustees (BoT) of SUUF may approve the use of the Fellowship affiliation for Teams and Interest Groups.
The Bylaws of SUUF define three Standing Committees: Ministerial Support Committee, Leadership Development Committee and the Community Outreach Committee, each a three-member committee with members elected by the congregation.
SUUF Teams such as Finance, Worship Associates, Social Justice, Covid, Welcoming/Membership, Care, Marketing, Hospitality, etc. are formed by the minister and a volunteer coordinator or a minister-selected volunteer. Each team’s mission works toward meeting an aspect of the Fellowship mission and vision.
The charges for the committees and teams do not cover the entire range of activities that SUUF may wish to undertake. When a group of members and friends wish to organize a group for a specific purpose in harmony with the vision and mission of the Fellowship, the BoT will review the purpose and structure of the group prior to assenting to the group’s use of the SUUF name.
Committee, Team, and Interest Group activities can be a part of the Annual Report of the BoT to the Fellowship at the direction of the BoT president and/or minister. Mindful of the need to exercise some oversight on the formation and operation of such groups that employ the name of the Fellowship in publicizing their purposes and activities, the BoT adopts the following procedures:
SUUF Teams and Interest Groups Formed with Congregational Initiative
For the purposes of this Policy, groups are classified as Committees, Teams, and Interest Groups. Committees are specified in our bylaws, and given specific tasks in support of the mission of SUUF; Teams are formed by the minister and a volunteer coordinator or minister-designated volunteer; and Interest Groups are formed by congregants to pursue a common interest aligned with the mission of SUUF.
Authorization and Limitations
Groups wishing to use the designation “Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship” must obtain the approval of the BoT prior to use of that designation. A chairperson shall present a proposed mission to the BoT. With BoT approval, this mission will authorize the group to use “Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (or SUUF) (Team or Interest Group Name).” A change in purpose will require documentation as for a new group. A group may not represent SUUF without the prior, written approval of the BoT.
Formation and Organizational Structure
Any member may propose the formation of a Team or Interest Group to the Minister, Volunteer Coordinator, or Minister-Designated Volunteer. The proposing member will be designated as chairperson pro tem and will be the principal Point of Contact (PoC). Once the group mission is approved by the BoT, an Interest Group (IG) may designate a SUUF member as the chairperson. A Team Chairperson, also a SUUF member, will be appointed by the Minister or Volunteer Assistant or Minister-Designated Volunteer. Membership in SUUF is not required for interest group or team inclusion.
Dissolution of SUUF Affiliation
Upon approval by the SUUF BoT, each team or interest group may continue to be identified as a SUUF activity at the pleasure of the SUUF BoT. If BoT approval is withdrawn from a group, it may no longer identify itself as a SUUF activity.
Teams and Committees authorized by the BoT for specific purposes may be included in the Annual Budget of SUUF. While Interest Groups are not precluded from submitting requests for reimbursements for expenses, they are generally expected to be self-supporting from ad hoc collections and donations.
Approved by the SUUF Board of Trustees February 14, 2013
Updated and Approved by the SUUF Board of Trustees, November 10, 2023.