How We Move Mountains [#29]

Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship members value social justice.  But they know, from experience, that constructive change occurs slowly, step-by-step.

UU minister Elizabeth Nguyen compares social change to moving mountains, one stone at a time.  Such change must be both small and large — that is, first ourselves, then the larger world.

Universalism means no one is outside their circle of love, so no one should be ignored, nor is anyone unworthy or disposable.

UUs stubbornly seek out the spark of the divine in each other, no matter what.  One of their guiding principles is Interdependence, meaning no one is truly free until everyone is free.  Moreover, everyone’s thriving is bound up in the earth’s thriving.

They struggle for liberation from the injustices of racism, sexism, ableism, classism, and homophobia. Their community’s covenant is to honor love and justice above all else.

Their theology says everyone is already saved, so they resist any laws, policies, or practices that deny anyone their full humanity.

They seek to create heaven here on earth.  They know that divine love crosses borders and prison walls, lives in queer families and disability justice organizers, thrives among trans young people and working class elders.

Some religions view suffering as happening primarily to individuals, who must heal themselves.  UUs know that suffering is also collective, and must be healed collectively.  The original wounds of slavery and genocide cannot be fully repaired within any one individual’s life.  So UUs work for collective healing and liberation.

November 25, 2022