The Aim of Our Worship [#27]

Sunday services at the Sedona Unitarian Universalist Fellowship are a vessel for strengthening connections among the individuals who attend, among the congregational community, and beyond.

Every element of UU worship has a relational purpose, serving to remind participants of, and connect them to, their faith, their values, their purpose, and the sacred mystery in which they live.

UU services do this on several levels.  People almost always leave the service feeling lighter, more at peace, and more hopeful than when they arrived: even within the space of an hour.

On a deeper level, attending UU services over time becomes transformative.  Like all relationships of depth, spiritual growth is a journey on which we reflect, week after week, on life’s most meaningful questions.  UUers gain wisdom from many traditional sources that help them to melt any barriers they have to feeling whole and good, and they surface universal truths from within the core of their own being.

UUers know It’s impossible to live in gratifying relationship, especially in a loving, diverse, surprising faith community, without “showing up” to worship together — even when showing up means forgoing other enticements or solitary pursuits.

UUers choose to worship together, not only because they might get something out of it, but also because their presence might matter to someone else.  They know that by gathering together they create something larger and more communal that supports, inspires, and uplifts everyone present.

November 11, 2022