Are There Beliefs We Defend? [#15]

None.  A central characteristic of Unitarian Universalism is affirming individuals’ free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

This lack of a predetermined doctrine reflects UU’s nature as an “orthopraxy.”  An orthopraxy believes the most important religious bonds are formed out of sharing acts of justice and love. This contrasts with “orthodoxy,” a religion bound to a set of established and uniform beliefs.

The Fellowship has no creed, no litmus test for belonging. They encourage members to bring their doubts and questions, their evolving system of beliefs and spiritual practices, and the gifts of their own experiences and perspectives.

UUs are life-long learners and the sources of their inspiration are broad.  They draw from scripture and science, from nature and philosophy, from personal experience and ancient tradition.

They also remain ever open to new revelations that guide them into deeper engagement with their own internal spirit, as well as outward, toward greater understanding of humanity and the world around them.

April 29, 2022